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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Attack Meeting: Outsiders Feedback & Thank You Thread

The following thread from bottom to top are thank you's to LRA Board and Outsiders, and Outsider's responses received:

Ivan Andersen writes:

Hi Trevor,

Only a pleasure. Sorry I could not do more in moving the process toward a mutually acceptable way forward.

My feeling is that there appears to be just too much baggage on both sides to get to point where the parties could/would sit around the same table and be able to leave the personal sensitivities and egos behind and focus on the “right” solution for the community as a whole. This feeling was confirmed when statements like “if Trevor is to join the board, some members would leave ...” were made. This clearly shows division and differing agendas, in my opinion, as that comment was made after a proposal for you to be co-opted and positive statements w.r.t. your passion, energy and experience had been voiced.

This is unfortunate, because initiatives like this, depend on people working together for the greater good. As soon as there is fragmentation of effort and agenda the system WILL break down and fail.

It would appear to me, as an outsider to the community, and with my limited exposure to the inner workings of the LRA, that a shake-up is required.

My perception, as a frequent visitor into the Lonehill area is that there has been a noticeable drop-off and reduction in visible policing (Fidelity foot & bicycle guards), specifically in the last six weeks or so. I clearly recall a number of discussions we have had in this regard over the last few years and have noticed the disappearance and re-appearance and disappearance of these guards from time-to-time. This to me is also an indication of the challenges faced internally by the LRA.

As I mentioned on Friday, clearly one’s priority must be the safety of your own family and home first, so the decisions need to be made from that basis.

All the best


Morne Mostert writes:

Hi Trevor

I am always cautious not to oversimplify these things, but here are a few thoughts:

The LRA requires a clear vision of what they intend to achieve in the next 18-24 months. I don't just mean what actions will they take, but what will Lonehill look like in 18-24 months from today as a result of their management practices

They may then benefit from articulating a number of Values that will govern their behaviour, such as client centricity, safety first, etc - this will depend on the unique challenges and character of Lonehill

Then they need to be clear on a few strategic objectives with regards to issues like safety, client engagement, internal management, decision-making processes,etc.

Internally, they then need to respond to some challenges, such as their Human Resources: If they only have one person for communication & marketing, what strategies will they employ to overcome this constraint? They cannot simply point it out it is a constraint. This includes possible solutions such as a communication drive for co-opting volunteers, ensuring each board member is managing a committee of volunteers, etc., establishing LRA sub-committees, etc.

On Marketing & Communication, there appears to be a lack of feedback mechanisms for residents to respond to them. They then argue that no news is good news. It's a bit like saying no-one has ever complained about living on the the planet Jupiter, so it must be a great place to live!

In terms of broader stakeholder engagement, I am not convinced they are interacting regularly with bodies corporate of complexes, other security companies in their area, business networks, etc. They appear to operate in a highly isolated way.

On Finance, they may want to consider sponsored advertising by local businesses on all their communication. This will reduce costs dramatically.
In terms of their overall functioning, such a more strategic approach will make them less reactive.

They then need to communicate these commitments to the community and report regularly on progress made.

I hope this helps a little - we all have our own angles on ways for improving effectiveness.

Kind regards
Morne Mostert
Director of Leadership Leadership Options
Tel: +27 (0) 11 467 9985
Mobile: +27 (0) 82 855 7328
Fax: +27 (0) 866 133 476
DataDeal Place, 41 Wessels Road, Rivonia, 2191
P.O. Box 104, Petervale, Bryanston, Johannesburg, 2151


Marilyn Overend writes:

Hi Trevor

Yes, we were not prepared for the highly emotional interaction from both sides. However I do believe they were compassionate about your situation. I think there are very few South Africans that would not feel for your situation. It happened to my younger son two months ago – and he is lucky to be with us. So I understand the anger and despair and fear.

From our perspective we felt there was blaming on both sides rather than finding some common ground to move forward to the start of a solution.

As you have a lot of experience Trevor, then maybe you need to move back onto the committee. I think it was a good idea to “put a stake in the ground” and move forward – learn from what is not working and try new ideas.

Warmest regards

Marilyn Overend
Assessor - Corporate College International
Assessor No. 175733US

Futuristic Training and Development
Cell: +27 82 601 0056
Tel: +27 11 704 6838
Fax: +27 11 704 6815


Kevin Foot writes:

Hi Trev,

Firstly it was no trouble!! And you are not beholden to anyone….favours are not given or stored for cashing in later; they are given with love and respect and with no expectations.

Only a pleasure to assist and participate….I only wishes I had known sooner about the incident, and been in a position to give you and Ivan more support.

Any time, anywhere…it’s only a phone call, and I will do whatever I can. Both of you know that.

My thoughts today are not changed from the conversation we had at the Wimpy. And Ivan summed it up very well. And your final remarks about securing the home, the street etc are most valid.

To carry on interacting with the LRA now, is a “mission” I think you should delay and give yourself time to heal.



PS. On 3 occasions this week; today at about midday, Thursday morning, And Monday...can't remember time.......I drove thru Lonehill and around the "big Loop" and was surprised to note that the Bobby on the Beat was conspicuous by their absence. Not so long ago, the security personnel were visible all over the area, including vehicles. Has there been a cut back in the number/activity?


From: Trevor Nel [] Sent: 25 October 2008 09:30 AMTo: Kevin FootCc: Ivan Andersen; Marilyn Overend; Jacques Grobbelaar;; Morne Mostert; Lindy BoulangerSubject: My Thanks - Fw: Agenda - Re: Meeting with the LRA and Fidelity

Kevin, Marilyn, Morne, Jacques, Renier, Charl, Ivan, Lindy

Many thanks for volunteering your valuable time to attend yesterday's meeting.

I cannot express adequately how much I APPRECIATE your trouble taken to lend an ear and participate.

I am beholden to return the favour to each of you, I am at your call... :-)

Below is the response to the LRA Board attendees FYI.

Realising that it must have been very difficult to enter such meeting totally uninformed (that was necessary so as not to create preliminary bias from any perspective) and try to evaluate 8 years of history in such a short session, I would however like for you to be brutally honest in what you assessed as being at play from your specific specialist skills-set point of view.

I will forward that to the LRA Board, either as anonymous comment, or under your professional signature so that the LRA can contact you direct for your professional input or otherwise. You choose - just let me know.

You are more than welcome to contact the LRA Board in your professional or personal capacities, as you see fit, to offer advice/service/solutions.

Trevor - 011 - 705-2790

----- Original Message -----
From: Trevor Nel
To: Rob Gillespie
Cc: Don Perry ; Hamish McBain ; Jean Berdou ; Michael Goodwin ; Ray Stride ; Ray Stride ; Rob Gillespie ; Roger McKee ; Sally Pearson ; Simon Bradshaw ;
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: Agenda - Re: Meeting with the LRA and Fidelity

To all in attendance

Many thanks for taking of your valuable time to attend this meeting.

I will reserve my personal comment pending:

i. Review of minutes/notes taken by Elmarie/Jenny - please forward ASAP compiled.
ii. Feedback from outsider specialists invited. (will copy you on their feedback).

Rob/Jean, as regards your joint claims that the forum does not post your comments, this is surprising as it is an OPEN forum where any comment can be posted by anyone under the comments and Post a Comment facilities.

My records shows 2 posts from LRA directors - LRA Director Comments & LRA Chairman Responds - and I have personally posted - LRA 2008 AGM - Chairman's Report & LRA AGM 2008 Minutes - to represent the LRA's views to this community.

I am unaware of any request from yourselves requiring publication to this blog not being published, kindly copy myself on any such request having been made and I will ensure that it is published.

You are, of course, cordially invited to respond to the questions asked on Lonehill: 28 Days - NO Answers Yet From LRA .

Thank You
Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790
Lonehill Resident

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