I repeat my preface in Lonehill: Who's Fooling WHO..? (please read it in full) - 'Please note that my comments in this email/post are not aimed at those who truly make things work and happen in Lonehill. I will never criticise those who honestly strive for excellence in delivery of our vision.'
After much contemplation during this break I am absolutely convinced that it is the personal egos of some of those in 'leadership' positions on the LRA who are not willing to apply the most basic of inclusive community leadership principles that holds our LRA back from being the powerhouse it can possibly be for all resident stakeholders.
It is not as if they cannot do it, anyone can do it if they really want to, but in my opinion more to do with a Child-like (as in Adult, Parent, Child - Transactional Analysis) instinct that prevails in a school-yard playground - 'I'm in charge of the ball and I'll pick who can play in the game'. The Parent would say, 'If you can't play nicely together I'll take one or some of you out of the game' - typical of the autocrat. Whereas the Adult would look to ensure that everyone, who wants to, gets to play and enjoy themselves.
So, I guess what I am calling for is a commitment to Adult Leadership on the LRA... and I fully expect the Child and/or Parent in some to lash out in massive assumption and misinterpretation before reading this Adult Leadership link.
For those whose egos can't stand the introspection, I gift you with a great piece of prose that I discovered many years ago and which soothes my tender ego whenever ruffled by the criticism of others:
sourced from - Readers Digest Dec. 1982
People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centred.
Love them any way.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down
by the smallest people with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for some underdogs anyway.
What you spent years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
The copy below was written in draft on 18th December, but not posted until after Christmas so as not to give some the heartache that they will extract from it:
Last year I was able to write - Lonehill: Grateful Thanks & A Simple Christmas Wish - 'Christmas is the time for giving thanks... and I want everyone of the LRA volunteers - especially those involved in the various Security portfolios and weekly meetings - to know that I offer my sincere thanks to them for getting the LRA process back to where it was with a reasonable semblance of management order.'
This year, as much as I'd like to give thanks to someone for making great things happen in our community I'm afraid that, in my opinion, it seems that we've gone backwards once again. And, what's the point of encouraging such retrograde steps with false compliments that some would like to hear.
In fact, reading this post - Here's OUR Challenge & Why WE Must Speak UP - written November 24 2006, where I wrote - 'My Point: Our challenge will be to proactively stem the influx of opportunistic criminal elements into our midst and thereby to protect our families peace-of-mind and security.' - it seems that we have slipped back to those times. What a sad waste of time, money and effort.
For me, and from my direct experience with some of these 'leaders', 2008 proved to be a sad, sad year for any prospect of great leadership taking root in our community.
I am of the opinion that our security initiative was allowed to slip into slumber mode, leaving us with primarily a reaction service as opposed to a proactive service, and as a result we probably had one of our worst years of security incidents on record since the launch of this initiative.
I cannot see anything of much added significance having been achieved this year by our LRA - apart from perhaps a focus on keeping the community neat and clean (aaaahhh, for that I can give thanks).
From the time we were attacked in our home - Lonehill: Attacked - 3 Gunmen Storm OUR Home! - to events leading up to and after my post - Lonehill: Who's Fooling WHO..? - the saddest revelation to me has been how our LRA 'leadership' have reacted in almost direct opposite contrast to the sage advice offered on the many, many leadership and community development links referred to on this forum.
To me, our current 'leadership' sucks in that they have no idea of how to respond positively to the challenges of community leadership innovation posed on this forum or to this writer, nor do they have any idea of how to include those in the community who do not conform to their views (regardless of whatever the commentators openly declared vested interests or otherwise)... and they react predictably with open indignation as being hard-done-by, unfairly-slated, community volunteers who 'are doing their best'.
They clearly get little to zero respect from this writer for not having the leadership maturity to rise above their predictable reactions to criticism from their public/s.
As example, it took over 70 days - Lonehill: 70 Days - NO Answers Yet From LRA - to get something of an attempt at answers to some simple questions posed of the LRA - see 2 comments or extracts below - which questions seem not to have been appreciated at all by the LRA respondent. Now that should raise every thinking person's attennae.
I can predict, right now, their very reaction to the above introduction... and it won't be to compliment this writer for offering an honest and frank opinion that they will address positively... ;-)
So, despite what I expect to have heaped on self, here's my warning to our community... do not abrogate your responsibility to ask simple questions of those in positions of leadership and trust.
It is no slight on you or them.
And, if they think it is, and they demonstrate clearly that they don't like the responsibility that comes with leadership of answering questions related to their actions or otherwise - start asking MORE questions!
Here are some interesting links that relate to the importance of individuals asking questions of those in positions of trust, and high-risk characterisitics to look out for, in any organisation:
1. The importance of questioning fearlessly and answering honestly - extract1: 'Those in the position to answer them seem to regard questions as accusations, if not inquisitions. Questions make them feel threatened. Or humiliated. Or both. That psyche makes them paranoid. They become totally defensive. They try as best they can to get away with saying nothing. Alternatively, they become totally vicious and vindictive. If they have a nimble tongue, they fight back with facetious cynicism..'.
And, extract2: 'The supreme question-dodger is somebody who ignores the question and chooses to answer an unasked question of his own making. That way, any damn fool can, unquestionably, always answer a question. But that brings us no nearer to the truth under any circumstances.'
2. TheInfluenceofOne.pdf - 'The independence, freedom and transforming power of even a single citizen should not be underestimated. There have simply been too many that have prevailed against improbable odds.'
3. Developing Ethical Leadership - extract: 'Principles, values, cultures, and individual differences often conflict. Ethical leadership requires an attitude of humility rather than righteousness: a commitment to one’s own principles, and at the same time, openness to learning and to having conversations with others who may have a different way of seeing the world.'
4. David Alexander - '..it's important to look at character traits of managers. Those managers who are aggressive, have big egos and can't admit to being wrong are high-risk candidates.'
5. Bernie Madoff - $50 Billion Alleged Scam - ‘No one has ever dared question what I’m doing.’
Never, never, NEVER... be afraid to ask simple questions and get straight answers... so let's see how our LRA fare for you.
This extract from 2 comments - LRA response in blue below:
i. What are the biggest challenges facing our initiative in the coming year?
1.1. The prevention of crime and especially violent crime in Lonehill and environs on the basis of zero tolerance.
1.2. To continually and innovatively raise the performance levels of the security service provider and its personnel and that of the Association.
1.3.To ensure the continued improvement of the environment in Lonehill and its environs.
1.4. To remedy complacency and apathy in the greater Lonehill community towards the above aims and objectives and to promote community involvement and spirit in achieving such objectives.
1.5.To promote such community participation in an atmosphere of encouragement and support and to confront and eradicate the type of destructive input from one or two malcontents that continues to have the effect, intended or otherwise, of dissuading participation by many of the incredible giftings and talents latent in our community when they view the contemptuous and disparaging manner that Association members and staff are subjected to when serving their community.
1.6. Increase Association funding by raising membership and corporate sponsorship.
1.7. Improving the efficacy of SAPS, Metro and other government depatrment interface.
ii. What plans are in place to resolve those challenges and what innovations will we see?
2.1. The roll our of a comprehensive security enhancement programme, aspects of which are in the process of finalisation but components of which are already in action and have been publicised.
2.2. A new marketing initiative is in the process of implementation and the Association website updated and to be imminently re launched.
iii. Who is accountable for deliverables on these resolutions (what are their KPI's)?
3. The Association and its board and the management of the security service provider are responsible for deliverables and Key Performance Indicators for external assessment include crime statistics, the financial status and performance of the Association, the extent of community participation in Association events such as Carols by Candlelight, Fundays etc etc and the standard of the environment in the Lonehill and environs.
iv. What finances are required for the coming year and future... and where will it be sourced from?
4. The Financial Statements of the Association include forecasts of future expenditure and financial needs, track budget and actual income and expenditure and are subject to annual audit and monthly mamagement review by a Finance sub committee and regular community scrutiny at public feedback meetings.Future financial needs shall be sourced from present and future projected Association members and corporate sponsors and donors.
v. What are the critical numbers we should be watching to assess future success of the project?
5. The critical numbers and success indicators are set out in 3. above.
vi. What is being done to reduce the burden of current contributors?
6. A new marketing programme to attract additional members has been embarked upon and negotiations with service providers and corporate sponsors for limiting cost escalations and sponsorships are ongoing.
vii. Why do we only have +- 300 voting members on the LRA from +- 6000 householders?
7. One can only speculate as to why there are the number of voters as at present but it should be noted that when this Board commenced its tenure, there were only 8 members and now there are over 300.
viii. Are there any expected major budget allocations (in excess of R50 000 in total) that may be paid to individuals in the coming year and for what?
8. There are several sizeable budget allocations anticipated by the Association but excluding budgeted and regular salaries and remuneration, none of these allocations are to be paid to paid to individuals, but to service providers and equipment providers primarliy for improvements to the security of the community and environment.
ix. Should a new budget allocation limit be imposed on the Board requiring referral back to Members for approval?
9. At present, the practice of the Association is to disclose expenduitre of all sizes to the residents at regular feedback meetings generally before such expenditure is incurred save for urgent items and repairs. It follows however that disclosures can only be made once negotiations with service and/or equipment suppliers have been finalised so that accurate figures may be quoted. The Associations Board is authorised to carry on its business and that includes such activities as expenditure.
x. What added-value does each paid individual on the LRA add to our initiative (e.g if paid +- R250K, did individual add another +-R250K and more to the initiative)?
10. The value add by individuals to the Association, wherther paid or otherwise, is subjective and open to interpretation. Suffice to say that at present, the Association and its Board are satisfied that the limited personnel operating on behalf of the Association are performing a Herculean task in challenging circumstances but continually strive for higher standards and the implementation of technology to assist where appropriate.
xi. How can stakeholders benefit from and use the LRA community centre facilities which they have funded?
11. Concerning the community centre, if there are any suggestions for its use, please feel free to submit these."
It is not the Associations intention to get caught up in endless questioning of its affairs and will in future be focussing the energy applied on trying to answer your questions and elicit your co operation and support to more worthwhile endeavours such as the security of the community the Association was created to serve.
Tue Dec 09, 06:34:00 AM 2008
I will leave you to assess the above answers for yourself, and make my comment on them in January's post.
In the meantime, have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Trevor Nel - Lonehill Resident
011 - 705-2790