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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lonehill: Heartfelt Condolences & ATTACK Meeting Proposal Follow-Up!


To Lonehill's Allan Brown and Family (and to all the families affected by this week's plane crash tragedy). Words can never express the deepest, deepest sympathy that we feel for you and your family at this time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We pray that you can all find peace and comfort. God Bless.

To Yvette and Etienne - condolences on the loss of your Mom - Lily Nel - wife of the late Dr. Jan Nel - both staunch supporters of our Lonehill Security initiative. Lily faced her long-suffering bout with cancer with feisty dignity. Treasure the memory of an exceptional woman.


A loss of a loved one makes all else pale into insignificance and it hardly seems appropriate to follow through with this update.

But, having come close to death in our home last week, and being once again reminded from the above family sorrows of the PRICELESS VALUE of every single life in this community... I am compelled to proceed.

First, both Gary Rivas (Lonehill Methodist Church) and Colin Ekman (Lonehill Village Church) have counseled myself on the spiritual implications of my third return to the fore in striving for the standard of excellence we all want for our families safety, security and well-being in our community.

Both have committed every spiritual resource they can muster to support our objective. I thank both for allowing me to work through much heart-sore anguish and humbling soul-searching to find the humility to assess the correct reasons for stepping up to the plate again. That's done and a given.

I found an email that I wrote on 29 Oct. 2000 - Lonehill: A Community In Transformation - where I wrote: 'I know that there are many good God-fearing folk in prayer-chains who are hard at work praying up a pile of God's blessings of peace, love, hope, salvation and joy for us ALL in Lonehill..'.

I also wrote: 'Talking of FAITH... I am constantly tackled by individuals who tell me that we have taken on an 'impossible' task... 'it'll never work'... or, 'you don't even have a plan..'. Oh ye of such little faith (now where have i heard that before). Quite simply, my entire life experience has shown that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE... and it becomes highly probable when you have a CLEAR FOCUS..'.

My purpose in this third return to the plate is to stimulate a return to the above attitudes of a belief in attaining the unbelievable and achieving the impossible... to never be satisfied with what we have!

From my last week's invitation, I have been inundated with voluntary input offers from non-Lonehillers within my vast network of '..the finest facilitators, conflict resolution specialists, disruptive innovators and strategic thinkers in my network to an urgent 3 -hour, totally transparent, OPEN, critical situation analysis and solutions brainstormer of current LRA information, to ensure that past badwill is put far behind us (they will shut me up as they know my respect for them) and ensure that solutions are found for going forward with clear strategic goals and action plans understood by the entire community.'

Those committed (some trying to change their national flights and programs to attend) include a leading business specialist, academic and author in the field of Systemic INNOVATION, a banking industry leader currently on sabbatical completing a dissertation on Innovation for his banking business sector, a recent past Chairman of Dainfern Residents Association, and specialists in Business Strategy and Turn-Around consulting, Leadership, Corporate Governance and Transparency.

They all want to see a model of community excellence being established as a prototype to be transplanted into their communities.

I have deliberately targeted non-Lonehillers to distance their input from the emotions attached to this initiative in the past. I continue to maintain that we have the finest minds and talent in our community to make great things happen... and this resource has been ignored and even spurned. That must change.

We meet with the LRA Board and Fidelity representatives at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow Friday 24th October.

My brief to the panel attending is simply: 'I look to drive for unreasonable levels of zero tolerance, continually innovating, continually growing/thriving, continually breaking down stereotypes and rebuilding anew, and for continual disruptive innovation to eradicate/nullify the events that we experienced. The theme is to be Lead, Follow or Get Out Of The Way... and you guys are specialists at looking out for what needs to be re-framed in stodgy minds.'

Recognising that mine could well be the most stodgiest mind of all.

The LRA have called for this to be a closed meeting which is anathema to everything I uphold for this community. I believe that all interested Lonehillers should be entitled to attend, observe and participate with comment at planned intervals. If you feel as strongly that you'd like to observe, and if you're available at such short notice, respond to this email and I will forward your request/motivation.

Otherwise I will ensure that the session is clealy recorded and reported on this forum.

Trevor Nel - Lonehill Resident
011 - 705-2790

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