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Monday, October 01, 2007

Lonehill: Another Stalwart Passes On - R.I.P. Tony Platt

Condolences to Shawnene, family and friends on the passing of Tony Platt. Tony was a regular, active, salt-of-the-earth participant in the weekly OPEN Security Management Meeting process that we used to enjoy in the early days of the Lonehill Community Initiative. He was instrumental in ensuring that security standards were maintained to the level we required as residents - and enjoyed casting an eye over the entire community as he drove around to make his assessments. Tony was not shy to tell you what he felt - and he told me so many a time... ;-)

Sadly, as the open process was taken away from such willing community contributors, to behind closed doors, Tony found himself frustrated at not being able to make the contribution he really wanted to make. Meeting with him just on 10 days ago whilst convalescing, he was perky, excited about the improvement in the LRA management process, and looking forward to the day that he could get back into a contributing role when the security meeting process again opened up for the committed community contributors to participate in once again. However, from there he took a turn for the worse, and passed away on Thursday 27th September with his family at his bedside.

Rest-In-Peace Tony. You made a significant contribution to our security in this community... thank you.

Tony's funeral service will be held at The Methodist Church, Grosvenor Road, Bryanston on Wednesday 3rd October at 2 p.m.

As with the recent passing of Sigrid Dreyer - Lonehill: Time Moves Us ALL On - R.I.P. Sigrid Dreyer - I repeat extracts from my appeal then to our community leaders.


For me, the passing of yet another aquaintance this year is a continual signal that time moves us ALL on... whether we like it or not!

So the trick is to enjoy life while you can... because it is over all too soon before you even blink.

In that regard, this forum has touched on much of what I would like to see happen in Lonehill (or to be honest, would like to have seen happening a long time ago already) before time erodes the many fleeting opportunities that present themselves.

One of the key points made early on in this forum - refer Dr. Jan Nel comment et al in -
A Wrong RIGHTED - That's Leadership! - is for the LRA to openly recognise and honour those who make, and have made, a substantial difference to this community by their extraordinary contribution - whilst they are alive..!!!

Too many good people and their amazing efforts are too easily forgotten. They should be lauded permanently to stimulate and encourage others still to come to follow their example whilst recognising their sweat-equity invested in this community.

Trevor Nel - 011 705-2790
Lonehill Resident

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