Having received the AGM minutes this week... I now wish that I was able to make it on time to stand up to question and pooh-pooh what appears in my opinion to be the pathetic desperate last shakes of the 'power-and-control'-oriented in this community. I refer in particular to the AGM item titled 'Criticism against the LRA'.
If anything is a sign of autocracy looking to cling to a foothold in this community it is what I interpret as the utter codswallop conveyed in the above-mentioned extract from the AGM minutes.
It was precisely this blog author's opinion of the autocratic power-and-control-freak oriented attitude of previous past leadership that stimulated this very forum to counteract the patent nonsense of behind-closed-doors group-think decision-making that had us falling headlong into the downward spiral of 'mis-management and disarray' as identified by 'new' LRA Chairman - Rob Gillespie at the first 100 day feedback meeting of last year - see links: NEW LRA Board - First 100 Days - Promising! & VISIBILITY & Vigilance - No.1 Priority .
Nothing is more damaging to the progess of any society, organisation, or community than the dogma of those who look to dumb-down co-stakeholders who dare to question, critique or criticise their leaders. Especially, if those asking such questions, critiquing, or criticising, have already sweated blood successfully in the very hot seats or heat of the kitchen that they choose to comment on. That, to me, is called 'valuable insight and experience'.
For me, questions, critique and criticism - and the positive welcoming and handling thereof - are the sign of a mature community and MATURE leadership.
Here are some links to articles and research that discuss this very issue in a variety of ways:
1. Democracy and the importance of criticism, dissent and public dialogue - http://www.wolpetrust.org.za/dialogue2005/DN042005gumede_paper.htm
(Extract. "South Africa must have a political culture that encourages disagreement and does not penalise those who depart from the prevailing orthodoxy. Moreover, in a culture of silence and fear, there is the very real risk that leaders will not receive the information they require to make good decisions. When members of the ANC feel free to differ from the president or the party leaders, society is likely to hear a wider range of opinions, and better decisions may result. Policy errors are most likely to occur when people are rewarded for conformity. A system of free expression and dissent protects against false confidence and the inevitable mistakes of planners in both the private and public arenas.")
2. Say what you think – The importance of giving offence - http://www.indexonline.org/en/news/articles/2006/1/international-say-what-you-think-the-importa.shtml (Extract: "..in the real world, where societies are plural, then it is both inevitable and important that people offend the sensibilities of others. Inevitable because where different beliefs are deeply held, clashes are unavoidable and we should deal with those clashes rather than suppress them. Important because any kind of social change or social progress means offending some deeply held sensibilities. ‘If liberty means anything,’ George Orwell once wrote, ‘it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.’ Not to give offence would mean not to pursue change.")
Further to the AGM item titled 'Criticism against the LRA', I make these observations:
i. Nice to see that the Board has decided to uphold freedom of speech. That's encouraging.
ii. Would like to see specifics on who the supposed 'critics' are deemed to be by those making such pointed reference... I'd like to read/hear their input... and what 'related to personal business interests' means. Does one interpret that any resident with personal business interests has no role to play in the Lonehill community? If so, I would regard that as retrograde-thinking of the worst order.
iii. I find it a huge ASSUMPTION on the part of those who suggest that such 'critics' would not be approached to work with the directors in the near-term because 'it would cause conflict at meetings and not be productive'. Says who? And who would perpetrate 'the conflict'? Those in the current board meeting seats threatened by input from others that don't conform to their views! Do we interpret that to say that 'groupthink' on the LRA board should not be questioned/interefered with? Read article 2. above.
iv. From the above-mentioned AGM item, I'd like to highlight to those that may not have read the posts in this forum, that here indeed you will find regular posts that are hugely complimentary and encouraging of the immediate past LRA board's positive turn-around of the 'mis-management and disarray' they were faced with last year. As have the compliments flowed, in past forums by this author, to all of those volunteers having made positive contributions to this community initiative since launch. As author of this blog forum, I'd love to find/read others in this community also regularly writing similar complimentary, considered, pointed, balanced and questioning views / opinion on happenings in the Lonehill community - no matter whether their opinion differs to mine.
Never fear those who look to dumb-down the input of others, I certainly don't. Everyone has the right to openly express and stand by their point of view in a community... and others have the right to openly challenge that point of view.
Oh, by the way, I took the trouble to do a self-critical review of my own comments, pointed barbs, educational links and back-slapping statements of encouragement on every post on this entire forum... and I stand 100% behind them all as being, in my opinion, 100% on the money.. ;-)
That said, it's really nice to see Lonehill looking as good as it does with some simple management processes in place.
Imagine what could be achieved with some really impressive STRATEGY in place - backed by the concerted input and support of all key stakeholders, decision-makers and interested contributors in this community. I continue my call for the LRA to stimulate a major indaba of these individuals.
Trevor Nel - 011 705-2790
Lonehill Resident
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Sunday, August 05, 2007
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