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Friday, June 01, 2007

Systematic RAPE Of Lonehill?

Tony Platt writes:

It is with growing concern that I witness the systematic rape, bySummercon, of our Lonehill environment , it's infrastructure and all they are bringing to our neighbourhood. For the residents of Lonehill, we have them to thank for increased traffic volumes, less than desirable tenants in some of their disgusting developments, and 'a couldn't care less attitude' to some of the other problems resulting from their building of monstrosities on previously open land.

Three residents, of long standing in Lonehill, and to the east of theirTinza, Lonehill Estate and No.17 on Forest developments have recently spent over R60000-00 to drain away excess water seepage, which we have had confirmed as a direct result of these developments, notwithstanding all the boardroom induced propaganda we have heard about 'attenuation'tanks etc.

The indigenous trees they are planting to help beautify Lonehill do nothing to replace the 15 trees we have lost in our gardens due to flooding. Summercon appear to have unlimited access to the powers that be in theCouncil, and my biggest fear is that will manage the clout necessary to cause the Council to redefine some of our open areas and start further development theron.

Their contribution to Lonehill is Nil, as they do their own garden maintainence, employ their own security and all the buyers of their units live off the fat of the land at our expence. It's time for the LRA to become very envolved, together with our Councillor to ensure that the beauty that was once Lonehill is not further ruined by Summercon. They have conned us sufficiently.

From: "Platt" <>

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