Isn't CHANGE great?
I feel as though I again have the rare privilige of experiencing an exciting NEW dynamic unfold in Lonehill.
Having had the pleasure of a visit from new LRA Chair: Rob Gillespie during the week, and taking up the innovative LRA invitation to meet with new LRA directors at the Lonehill Mugg & Bean on Saturday (a great 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. initiative to get to meet the LRA directors), I get the distinct feeling that refreshing winds of change are set to take Lonehill on a POSITIVE new course.
As I looked into the eyes of the NEW directors sitting around the coffee table (and of those directors who popped along to say 'hi'), and listened to their enthusiastic sketching of NEW ideas, new objectives, new perspectives, and different approaches... I saw something that for me has been missing in Lonehill's leadership over the past while - a sparkle in the eye, a new ENTHUSIASM, people on a mission, people with FRESH minds.
For me, one of the essential arts of LEADERSHIP is the ability to listen, and I noted that when a concerned resident was talking, this new team was listening... and the new Chair was taking notes!
I like the way that they are going about their work. They seem decisive, committed, open to input... and most important - cheerful.
To me, to have serious folk willing to step up a gear to take our community to a HIGHER LEVEL conveys the ultimate respect to all those Greater Lonehill residents/stakeholders who launched and contributed to the foundation-building phase of the Lonehill Community Initiative.
I think that these folk on the current LRA are going to do it - they're going to make BIG THINGS HAPPEN! I feel it in my water. I'm EXCITED.
Now, why is this initiative so important that I comment as regularly as I do? Why have I made it my personal mission to ensure that it never collapses through lack of interest?
Well, it is because of the times that we live in, whether we like it or not, wherever one may be in the world, our families peace-of-mind and security is at continual risk almost every day. In South Africa we know that criminal elements are all around us waiting to rip us off. It's just life as we live it today. And, we owe it to our families to make sure that the 'good guys' win for a change.
On Thursday night in Bryanston, my matriculating daughter's school-friends were gathering at a celebration function when accosted by 3 cool-looking, smooth-talking, armed black dudes who proceeded to clean them out of their cell-phones and jewelry and who hijacked three vehicles to cart away the hosts most valuable appliances. The matriculants, of all race groups, including some of their parents were locked into bathrooms and ordered to stay silent to avoid being shot.
This is happening now, today, all around us... and no one is safe from these opportunistic thugs, regardless of race, colour, creed or whatever. I have the distinct feeling that their modus operandi is changing to hit private functions as soft targets over the coming pre-Christmas celebration weeks. But, we can outsmart them!
The Lonehill Community Initiative offers an opportunity to live a relatively 'normal' life if one calls on the LRA security provider to relocate their roving guard in your area just a few hundred metres to keep an eye over any gathering of people and their cars during partying. A simple preparatory call can save lives. Be aware. Build a relationship with YOUR community security initiative.
Trevor Nel - 705-2790
Lonehill Resident
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