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Saturday, July 22, 2006

When Is an AGM Not An AGM..?

When there are no financial statements prepared for serious community stakeholders who give up their valuable time to attend the MOST IMPORTANT meeting of any Association's year.

It is time that some of the PASSIONATE contributors to the development of the Lonehill Community Initiative make their voices heard once again... to DEMAND that Lonehill Service Providers make an immediate and major upward adjustment in their attitudes towards service delivery and customer support.

In this writer's opinion, we are being delivered a service that is below MEDIOCRE and, in some key areas, borders on the INCOMPETENT, despite the fact that we pay full-time professionals good money to deliver the goods.

Most glaring weaknessess of 2006 have been an almost total incompetence in the areas of Marketing, Communication & Innovation befitting of the foundation laid by the many PASSIONATE committed volunteers who have sweated blood to get this community initiative off the ground.

The lack of financial statements at today's meeting, together with a quick sight of the hurried collection of two copies of the statements, raises questions as to INEFFECIENCIES and LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY that may well exist in the minds of service-providers who are not being called to account for piddle-poor deliverables.

Trevor Nel - Lonehill Resident - 705-2790

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting issue as the challenges of running a "non-profit" organisation are something I'm quite familar with. Volunteers nearly always need strong passionate leadership that is prepared to drive, motivate and micro-manage community activities to ensure that deadlines & deliverables are met.

HOWEVER, as I understand things here, there are funds allocated and people appointed, AND PAID to do the job.

Hmmmmm ? What would happen in a public company ?
Suspension from the exchange and heads would definitely roll. Why should this be any different? The "public" (Lonehill Community) are investors in this venture and have appointed their representatives run run and manage this venture.

These people must then be held acountable by the community to deliver what is being paid for!