Pity that the LRA feedback meetings were moved from Saturday mornings to weekday evenings... just means that some of us can't make 'em.. ;-)
From the LRA mailing received - see below - it seems that the LRA slumber of last year is hopefully being replaced by a semblance of some decision-making... that's better, ACTION is what we want to see from our LRA... time will tell if they match their words with deeds!
My comment in light blue below:
1. The LRA was founded in 2000 on the back of a then existing serious deterioration in the crime occurrence statistics in Lonehill with the shooting of Steve Parrymore being the galvanizing event it proved to be. The LRA was in existence when my family arrived in Lonehill in 1988. Seem to recall that the original developers established the LRA with first purchasers. The Lonehill Security Action Group formed in 2000 to establish the foundation of this current Lonehill community initiative and merged itself with funds collected into the LRA in 2001. The LRA should strive to be a custodian of accurate historic records of this community.2. The founders’ vision, which remains the same today, was:2.1. The creation of a 24/7 security protection zone in Lonehill so that residents in the area would be free to live, exercise, shop and relax in a crime protected environment Would prefer a 'crime free' environment... ;-)2. 2. To “come home to a quality” environment where parks, verges and common areas were properly maintained The original VISION was actually stated as: ‘An upmarket community where all residents are free to live, shop and exercise in pristine surroundings with total peace of mind in their personal safety and security’.3. To this end a security and area maintenance plan was devised that suited the needs of the community and met, by and large, the requirements of the Vision 4. Was the plan successful?Crime in Lonehill from 2000 to the present is considerably lower than surrounding areas and in some cases by 80% or more Does this statistic measure up against the zero tolerance standard of the LRA...certainly not and more particularly the members of our community who have been subjected to criminal activity.There is little divergence of opinion that in the area of the maintenance of the environment, the LRA has been successful in maintaining area quality and maintenance in difficult circumstances5. As with almost anything else in this world, however, crime and criminals evolve their modus operandi. Yesterdays solutions are not necessarily today’s answers. The LRA’s approach and methodology to crime deterrence must also evolve accordingly Whilst there have been previous surges in crime statistics in Lonehill such as in 2004, the facts are that since October/November 2008 there has been a surge in criminal activity as outlined in the crime stats report back 6. As a result of several armed incidents, the LRA embarked upon one of the most comprehensive residential security reviews carried out in South Africa. This involved consultations with the SAPS, SAPS Reservists, Department of Justice, Business Against Crime, various Security Service providers and consultants, Security Technology Providers , community leaders and Association members from other complexes such as Dainfern and Fourways Gardens, some past LRA leadership and of course inputs from the Lonehill Community itself. 7. The LRA was able to distil the following concerning the present situation we face: 7.1. Most dangerous challenge is the drive in armed gang usually operating in numbers of 2 to 5
7.2 Hawkers can act as information sources for criminals
7.3. Housebreakers can move into a complex and take advantage of slack personal security habits such as open windows, no alarms, doors not locked and properties left in darkness to steal
7.4. Apathy in general towards security and critical attitudes
7.5. Challenges with management and personnel and equipment of the service provider
7.6. Massive increase in through traffic and pedestrians throughout Lonehill and surrounds
7.7. The fact that we are an “open” suburb with no perimeter fence or wall and no entrance control
We the community of Lonehill stand at a time of decision and directionA pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty : Churchill If we open a quarrel between past and present, we shall find that we have lost the future : ChurchillThere is a tide in the affairs of men Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune Omitted, all the voyage of their lifeIs bound in shallows and misery: Julius Caesar 4.3.218Record the vision and make it plainAnd Without a vision the people perishAccordingly it is our intention to outline several steps we intend to initiate in the near future and to also seek your response on as the community of Lonehill:1. SMS Warning SystemWe have installed an sms community warning system which at this time shall be offered as a free service to existing LRA security clients and to non clients at a nominal monthly fee of R30, 00. This system will enable all residents of Lonehill to receive real time warnings of any suspicious or criminal activity as it becomes known to the Fidelity Control Room, wanted or sought vehicles or persons that may operate in our area, Community Notices and Community Interest materials.The challenge is that we need to swiftly verify and upload thousands of cell phone numbers and e-mail addresses on our databases. If anyone is willing to assist please speak to us after the meeting.2. Ideco Fingerprinting and Personnel Verification SystemFor a nominal fee residents of Lonehill can access security clearance checks for domestic workers, for both current and potential employment. In the unlikely event of an issue a full record of such person’s background can be made available. 3. Domestic ForumCommunity domestic workers are receiving training at a bi-monthly LRA Domestic Forum. Some of the topics covered include security issues, first aid, recycling and what to do in emergency situations. These forums will create a useful source of area security intelligence.4. Marketing Drive. We are in the process of launching a comprehensive marketing drive to increase membership of the LRA and to increase the co operation between various security service providers, the Police services and local government departments. 5. Observer Groups.This function, which proved useful and effective in the past, consists of groups of volunteers from the community who do not wish to be directly involved in confronting criminal elements but who wish to contribute by checking up on guards and their routines, equipment, and by going around Lonehill and its environs and reporting any suspicious activity to the LRA Control Room.PLEASE WOULD YOU CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING TO JOIN THE OBSERVER GROUPS TO ASSIST OUR COMMUNITY IN THIS MANNER.6. Specialist additional Reaction Force.We are at an advanced stage of investigating and costing the provision of a Specialist Reaction Force to supplement our current reaction force officers. This will consist of two man teams with additional training and weaponry, special equipment such as night vision equipment, and will be used to supplement pro- active patrolling when not deployed on response.7. SAPS Reservists InitiativeWe are calling on members of our community to volunteer to serve in the Reservists. Reservists have the power of search and arrest and will have proper training and equipment to conduct roadblocks and crime intervention and proactive patrolling subject to the command structures of the SAPS. ## Devlin ....49 reservists at present and training course commencing, subject to confirmation in May 2009.He will address you for 5 minutes on the reservists and categories of reservistsFUNDING AN SAPS REACTION VEHICLE BY THE LRA Douglasdale SAPS are aiming to place a reaction vehicle in each of the sectors serviced by the station. It was agreed by the majority at the LRA meeting that the LRA would finance an emergency reaction vehicle dedicated to the policing in the Lonehill sector. 7. Booming of Lonehill. We have received various representations concerning closing off all or parts of Lonehill and Beverley. We are in the process of lobbying the municipality and relevant departments for approval of this project. Once approval has been granted we will commence with a fundraising initiative. Please be aware that this will be a lengthy process and the LRA will keep you informed every step of the way.8. Traffic Camera Monitors linked to number plate recognition monitoringIrrespective of Booms or not, the installation of traffic monitoring cameras at the 7 main entrances to Lonehill and Beverley is being investigated. We have identified systems we wish to install in the form of monitoring cameras feeding a real time video stream to our control room and. The system also simultaneously checks number plate recognition against the NATIS database for stolen or flagged vehicles.9. Community steps for personal security. We appeal to you, the community, to be more vigilant, and to report suspicious activity or strange vehicles or noises to the LRA FIDELITY control room. Take basic precautions to ensure you are not being followed.S ecure your homes and property by taking basic steps such as night lighting, keeping windows of unoccupied premises and windows closed and locked, keeping valuables such as laptops, jewellery, cell phones and the like secured and out of sight when you are not on the premises.Install at least a panic system or alarm, Join the sms community alert system, Together, lets all make Lonehill the crime free zero tolerance zone we all strive for. We can do this ......together